
Where To Buy Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025

I love this little machine. The cord can be a little annoying but much less so than gas, oil, spark plugs, tune-ups, etc.
Light enough that even a weakling can carry this up and down stairs.
Throws snow a good distance and scrapes right down to the pavement.
Easily went through the 12 inches of snow in my walkway although you might have to backup and then go forward a few times to get all the snow at that depth since it is rated for 10 inches or less.
It beats shoveling by a country mile!
When I first got it, I was unimpressed with the flimsy seeming rear wheels but they work fine. The housing is plastic, not metal but the benefit is a lightweight easy to handle unit.
This is NOT a heavy duty machine but for what I use it for it is perfect.
I use it to blow the deck, the walkway between the house and the driveway and to make a path through the snow in the backyard for the dog to do his business.
A great machine!
I live in Central Maine and get quite a bit of snow and would have no problem using this to do the driveway if I needed to but since the plow guy does it for me at no cost (we have a barter arrangement), it's not an issue.Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.

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