Bamboo - a grass you can use wood, but grows up to 50 times faster
In North America and Europe have softwood and hardwood frame houses with traditional wooden floors, doors and has been used, and for the manufacture of furniture. The problem with using trees to build is that it takes 2-10 years to mature, which means that large areas must be committed for many years between the collection of wood.
Snow Throwers
An excellent alternative to the use of hardwoods and conifers isUsing bamboo.
In contrast to the soft and hardwood trees, bamboo grows very quickly and can be harvested in a few years, as they grow up to 3-4 meters per day (1.5-2.0 cm / h)), with growth rates -6 cm 3 per day, while often in a unique rhizome and depends on the terrain and climatic conditions.
Bamboo - Sustainable Pulp, Fiber, Paper and Construction Materials Source
Bamboo is already important, East and Southeast Asia, which is used in gardens, as building material and as a source of food. Bamboo can survive in different climates from the coldMountain Bamboo warm tropical regions already occurs in the southern United States and there are a number of species that can be grown in northern U.S. and Canada. There are already 35 species of bamboo used for pulp and paper instead of trees can be used. Bamboo grows in many sizes from small diameter poles with a large 12-inch "diameter bamboo, which grows 100 feet (30 meters) high in just 3 or 4 years.
Treated, bamboo is a very hard wood that is light and verydurable and, in the preparation or building used to be houses, fences, bridges, toilets, walking sticks, canoes, dishes, furniture, chopsticks, steamers, toys, bicycles, scaffolding, to replace a rod in concrete construction and hats for martial arts weapons, including fire arrows, flame throwers and rockets. Omachron developed to maintain a number of environmentally friendly bamboo treatments for use in construction.
Harvesting machines bambooWood requires care to select mature stems that are several years when the results of the first year, although in actual size, not fully developed and not as strong as more mature stems.
Bamboo can be carved for decorative arts, and can be done in a floor. Bamboo flooring is steaming pieces of flattening them, gluing them together and then sanding and finishing are done. The only caution is that bamboo can be easily attacked wood boring insects unless treated with woodPreservatives or kept very dry.
Bamboo can be used to make paper and the fibers can be used as yarns and fabrics. Bamboo fabric is soft and requests for natural antibacterial properties. Clothing, bedding and towels, made of bamboo are a great natural location and Omachron Online []. Bamboo has gained increasing popularity in the culinary world as a material for cutting boards because they are heavy enough to withstand years of knife of abuse, even moreForgiveness of the blade, resulting in less damage to the edges of tools over time
Bamboo can be in your garden in North America and much of the wood fibers and installations are used with their children for everything from building small sculptures and projects to simple fencing, decoration and production of paper and handicrafts. For more information about Omachron subscribe online.
Some manufacturers of deck skateboard and snowboard, and surfboard manufacturers start, bambooConstruction. E 'lighter and stronger than conventional materials and their production protects the environment. At least one production company to snow ski, Liberty Skis, uses bamboo construction for these reasons now.
Bamboo is also used to make investments in fish farming, where cages can be made by a trellis frame of wood and bamboo.
Bamboo is a great potential as a resource for the Fiber pulp and paper and textile industries and agriculture is a great low impactPossibility in the near future.
Bamboo and switchgrass are also excellent power plants, when used with the combustion system Omachron of plasma generators, vehicles and heating.
Bamboo - Sustainable Pulp, Fiber, Paper and Construction Materials Source
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