
Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025 Order Now

I have used the the Toro 1800 about 6 times so far this winter. So far it works great! I have about 1000 square feet of driveway to clear and it will clear it all in about 20 minutes and only used about 100Wh or about 0.8 cents worth of electricity.

We don't get much snow here in southern Ohio. We maybe average about 1-3 inches a snow fall. Some times its heavy wet snow. So far the Toro 1800 clears a nice path through light snow and heavy snow.

The only issue I had with it was when the snow was melting and created a slushy wet snow. It did OK at first but the chute started to clog.

This is not going to be a tool for deep heavy wet snow and that's only because the chute will clog. If it was not for that you could take it slow and fling the wet heavy snow to the side with ease.

The only other down side is that if the electric goes out you have to go back to the manual shovel. Or you could build a battery backup with a pure sine wave inverter which I may do and use for other purposes. Worst case you could use a gas generator.

When you don't need the power of a gas blower and you want something cheap to use that will move the snow the Toro 1800 is the best choice.Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.