
Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025 Right now

We do not have a lot of sidewalk but we have a large driveway. We also do not have a lot of storage space in our garage. This blower was perfect. It was easy to assemble and very easy to use. Yes, you do need to keep the cord in mind but it's not an issue for us and trumps having to mess around with gas. With an existing extension cord we were able to clean our entire driveway, our sidewalk, and the neighbor's sidewalk, in a fraction of the time it took to shovel. We did not purchase it until the season was almost over but it handled the wet, heavy, end of season snow that we get in Northern Illinois just fine. I would recommend this blower if you are looking for something small and/or do not wish to mess around with gasoline. It works great. Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.

Lowest Price Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025

I used this about 3 times during the winter and did the job quicker and easier than I could have ever done with a shovel. My observation are:
1- This is not meant for a huge amount of snow. More than 6 inches or so will have this thing working overtime. Use it multiple times while it's snowing hard; don't wait for all the snow to come down if you're expecting a lot.
2- The blade is made of plastic. It seems durable enough for snow but the ice and pebbles that the plow leaves at the end of the driveway seem to take a toll.
3- This is not a heavy duty piece of equipment. I feel that at some point the handle is going to break if I try to use it for more than it is meant.
4- Be prepared to think about how you're going to clear your driveway. Since you are tethered to an electric cord, you need to plan your moves to avoid running over it on the way back. Additionally, you may not want if you have a long or fairly wide driveway. Anything more than 3 car width may make it tough to shoot the snow.

I know this review may sound negative but all in all I got what I expected and I'm pretty pleased with what I have. Anyone living in an area with sporadic snow should consider this blower. The fact that it's electric means no gas to empty. It also makes it very light and easy to move. I've lived in New York, Delaware and now in Nebraska and this thing is generally adequate for all three areas.Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.