I bought this the night before the December 09 mid-atlantic storm where we got about 21" of snow. Understanding the capabilities of this small electric product required multiple times cleaning off the driveway and sidewalks. Note people: IT IS NOT DESIGNED FOR HEAVY DUTY WORK! For that you'll need one bigger - in size and price!
However, I experienced the same problems as many others. (Hence the 4 stars) After the 1st day the drive belt slipped off the pulley. Initially I was upset & annoyed not understanding the problem. Google came to the rescue when I came across a forum with instructions on how to fix the problem. Unfortunately, these come shipped sometimes with the tensioning bolts for the belt not tighened sufficiently. So I got a handy 5/16" hex allen wrench, removed the side panels and tighened anything and everything I could. It took longer to go get the wrench than to actually fix the problem and I live about 2 miles from a store.
Anyway, now it works great. In fact as I write this we have a major storm forecast and no doubt it'll get plenty of use this weekend as they are forecasting up to 24" for the Baltimore area. In fact I think I'll show my wife how to use it ;)
So if you're like me and tired of the snow shovel and only have a driveway, sidewalks and patio to clean off this product will work great. Get yourself a 5/16" allen wrench too, you'll probably need it. Just remember that about 6" depth is the max you can expect this to handle. If you prefer to wait until the snow is deeper then plan to spend several more hundred $$ for a bigger machine.Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.