I have finally had a chance to use my snow thrower. While we haven't had mountains of snow, there was enough to use it three times. Once you get the hang of the cord, it goes very smoothly. I have a long driveway, nearly 100 feet according to the 100 foot cord, and it has enough power to work well for me. My cord comes from my garage on the one side of the driveway and that seems to be the trickier side so I basically start on that side from the middle and move out and get that part over with--three swipes and the cord is no longer a problem for me--the rest is a breeze. Takes me around 20 to 25 minutes to do my driveway, two sidewalks, and my front porch in an average snowfall--that's several hours less than it would take to shovel it. Runs very smoothly although you have to watch for dips where the concrete meets as it runs so close to the pavement it can catch if you have a dip. Overall, I am thrilled to pieces with this handy, light machine--plug it in and go! Best money I've invested in ages!
And now I can add an update to this--we had a large snowstorm with lots of snow drifts last week. I started my driveway at least half an hour after my neighbor started his (same size driveway) with his HUGE snow thrower. I finished my driveway, sidewalk and porch while he was still working at his--and that included the extra snow at the end of my driveway that my city always manages to dump. You do need to cut the drifts down to size by going over them a few times--still, it took me less than a hour for what it used to take my boyfriend several hours to do! I love this machine!Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.