
Shop For Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025

After reading all the great reviews I went ahead and purchased one for two main reasons. I did not want to spend a great deal of money and I liked that it would not need regular maintenance like a gas powered one. I had started out with the Power Shovel, which worked ok but had some drawbacks. It can not handle very deep snow, it only shoots the snow in one direction and the path it makes is not very wide. So after the dumping we got I decided to try the 1800. It shoots the snow pretty far, especially for being electric. It does an excellent job of getting right down to the pavement. Finally, it is very lightweight so it is easy to maneuver and tote around to other homes if necessary. Why didn't I keep it? The electric cord getting in the way is a hassle. While you can plan your route out a little bit and minimize how much it gets in the way, it's unavoidable and you have to be careful so as to avoid chewing it up. Secondly after the dumping we got the plows went by and left a 2-3 foot drift in front of the driveway which me and my wife had to scoop out by hand as this machine is not designed for that type of load. The plow going by is something I overlooked before purchasing. I'm only 26 and realized that I have quite a few winters ahead of me so I might as well do it right and get a gas two stage that can handle anything. Based on what the 1800 is designed to do and how it performs it is a 5 star product but looking at it as an overall snow removal device it is a good option but not the best. I'm not going to fault it for having a cord or not performing like a big two stage because that's not what it was designed for. Keep that in mind and you will be happy with it.Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.