
Classic Accessories 52-002-010401-00 Deluxe Snow Thrower Cab

This product is one of those items I should have bought years ago.
I did have to do some work to mount it however. Even though I had the mounting brackets as low as I could go it still was way too tall. I'm not short but even a seven footer would fit comfortably inside it. I had to drill new holes in the supplied upright bars to lower it. One tip I'll give is to take the whole upper frame that they made for easy removal in the house to install the cover. That is if you don't have the luxury of a heated garage like me. In the cold it just would not stretch over the frame to mount. Once it was warm it installed with no problem.
A must have product if you snow blow.
Buy Classic Accessories 52-002-010401-00 Deluxe Snow Thrower Cab!