
Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025

One would have to get out early in the event of a storm and start cycling through every few hours. It's electric, no fuss until the power goes out. Then what? Lots of choices here, the reader will have to weigh out the factors which make this the better choice between gas or electric. A friend uses one of these and it does okay, another friend of mine, who lives in the snow belt, can only get by with an 11 hp gas, indicating that the 5hp gas couldn't handle the load. Well, if a 5hp gas can't handle the load in upstate NY, then this electric Toro would be hard pressed to prove otherwise. Check out consumer reports, and see what produces the most bang for the buck.

That said, it's light and would probably handle the light chore of snow removal in a small driveway/walkway situation. I used to live in a town house up in the D.C. area and this would have been the ticket, except I was younger and whipping out a $10 snow shovel of good quality was not a problem. Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.

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