
Order Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025

I had my doubts about an electric snow blower, but after having used this through numerous storms this past winter, I am now a believer!

1. Lightweight - I can lift this thing with one arm using the convenient handle. Try that with any of the gas blowers.
2. Maneuverable (related to #1) - Given it's small footprint and light weight, I can push this thing around anywhere and get into tight spaces.
3. No maintenance - there isn't any hardcore upkeep of this thing - at least like there is with a gas blower.
4. Ample power - I find it fairly easy to push depending on the amount and texture of snow. I haven't had any issues clearing my driveway and sidewalk using the Toro 1800 (in NJ).
5. Quiet - Again compared to a gas powered blower, this thing is quiet as heck emitting a small motor sound only when you hit the "trigger"

1. Wheels - little on the small side, but when you're pushing against 6 inches of snow, you're not really rolling on wheels anwyay
2. Not going to get you through crazy storms - this is no surprise, but this thing is prob. not made for 2 ft. packed snow. I have had no problems however with the recent storms.

Overall a (surprisingly) great product.Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.

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