Got it about a month ago. Have used it 4 times and so far, so good. Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.
Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025 Get it now!
Got it about a month ago. Have used it 4 times and so far, so good. Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.
Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025 Immediately
My driveway is a long 120 feet and 20 feet wide (25 at certain parts), so you can imagine there's a lot of snow to be shoveled. This thrower really does the job even for such a large driveway. It's very quick, and very quiet. No gas to fill up, no oil to change, no start-up issues during cold weather. It's hands down (assuming this thing lasts for several years) a very good snow thrower. I should also add, for those of you with large driveways, that the long cord I used, 150ft, is not a problem, as long as you make sure to work away from the outlet instead of towards it, that way nothing gets tangled. In fact, this thing is so light, yet powerful, you can do the whole driveway pushing with one hand.
One last thing, the claimed "30" ft throwing distance is under the best conditions: light snow, and wind assisted, with the deflector pointing straight. If the snow is wet, the deflector is pointing to the side, and the wind is blowing against you, you're down to a 10 foot throw, max. But it's still not bad and I'd assume the MUCH more expensive gas throwers have the same issues. You get your money's worth with this thing.
Update: Winter 2008-2009. This product is still going strong, with no issues. I had the pleasure of accidently bumping into a neighbor who was a Toro dealer a while back, and we discussed the high quality of all Toro products, which is what led me to buy this in the first place. He bought this same type of snow-thrower, except the gas powered version, and I can tell you for sure now, that throwing distance is no different in the gas powered version versus the electric one. And I stress again, no maintenance issues (oil, gas, etc...)Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.
Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025 Best Quality
Such a lightweight and compact design for a woman over 50. Easy to carry and snowthrow over 30 feet.Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.
Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025 This instant
I just received this as a gift and it is the best device I have had in a long time, already used it several times for my New England snow. Easy to operate and does a better job at removing the snow that the big snowblower, plus no worries about the upkeep Great for that single older woman in moving the snow quickly, while your neighbors are still shoveling or trying to get their gas powered snow blower going.I would highly recommend this one for anyone.Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.
Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025 Top Quality
I had a gas snow thrower once. It was more trouble than what it was worth. You had to mix the gas and oil. Then it was hard to start the first time it snowed and it stalled a lot. I thought I was going to have a heart attack just getting the thing started and that's why I bought it in the first place. It was to prevent one! Finally I sold it because it was easier just to shovel snow.
Then I saw the Toro Electric 1800 Power Curve. I read the reviews and thought I'd give it a try. I was a little concerned about the electric motor, but I had cut down two large trees in my yard with an electric chain saw with no problems ( electric chain saw is also a great improvement over a gas one!)
I bought the power curve and then waited for it to snow. We got 5 inches of snow last night and couldn't wait to use my new snow blower. I was amazed, it cleared the snow all the way down to the pavement and was blowing the snow 15 to 20 feet with ease. I watched as my neighbor's gas blower only blew the snow about 5 feet. I cleared my 50ft driveway and sidewalks in about 15 minutes. The cord wasn't really a problem. I just started at the top of my driveway and worked my way down. My neighbor came over to see what I was using and he was amazed that it worked so well.
I didn't have to much trouble with assembly. I think the carriage bolts used in the discharge chute should be metal instead of plastic, because it was hard not to strip the bolt head when trying to tighten.
All and all I think this was a great investment. I live in Ohio and we don't have that many big snow storms, so I think this product is perfect for my situation, but maybe not for yours. I love it! Just plug it in and go, then put it away.Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.
Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025
I bought this brand new from a Toro Master Service dealer in Vermont. The second time I used it the drive belt and pulley broke. This was while working on only 3 inches of moderately heavy snow. Took it into the dealer where it now sits as he had to order the parts. DON'T BUY ONE!! You will end up wishing you had popped for a little more money and bought a decent gas-powered unit.Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.
Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025 Review
great for not having to have to mess around with the gas, we dont have a garage and this electric is perfect, light for storing inside. Works greatGet more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.
Shop For Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025
I live on the edge of the snowbelt in Northeastern Ohio. After shoveling out my driveway several times last Easter (!), I vowed to get a snowblower. After reading the reviews on Amazon, I bought a Toro ... and I love it!
We had a New Years Day snow storm that dropped somewhere between a foot to a foot-and-a-half of snow (with even bigger drifts in the wind). My 12-year-old son and I cleaned our driveway TWICE in a few hours ... as well as our back deck (try THAT with one of those big gas-powered monsters!).
We then tossed the Toro in the back of our van, drove over to my mom's house and cleaned out her driveway and sidewalk.
My back never would have gotten through that snow with just a shovel.
No tool is perfect, and one does have to deal with the electric cord with this Toro, but personally, I'd rather deal with a power cord than with gas and oil and everything else that a bigger machine entails.
Here's what I like about the Toro:
1. COMPACT SIZE. With two kids' sports equipment, two cars and a work bench, there's not much room left in our garage during the winter. The Toro smaller size fits in my garage quite nicely.
2. EASE OF USE. My 12-year-old son loves to use it. He has trouble starting our gas-powered lawn mower, but no problems with this baby!
3. WELL MADE. My 12-year-old son loves to use it ... and it still works! ;-)
4. LIGHTWEIGHT. It's light enough to carry up the steps to blow the snow off my back deck. It fits in the back of my van (see above).
5. POWERFUL FOR THE SIZE. For the New Year's storm, we had that beautiful slushy-freezing-wet snow that seems to prevalent here in Northeast Ohio (and did I mention it is HEAVY?!?). The Toro chewed right through a over a foot of the stuff with now problem. (The chute clogged once or twice, but that's gonna happen with this wet snow in any machine).
If you're looking for an affordable, easy to use snow thrower, I would highly recommend the Toro 1800.
UPDATE 3/2008
We just got through a weekend of the heaviest snowfalls on record here in Northeast Ohio ... 36 hours straight of snowfall, and piles of snow 2' - 3' feet deep in my driveway. Insane levels of snow ... deeper in my mother's driveway, which I also had to shovel. This snow was the heavy, wind-packed stuff, and I'm pleased to say that the Toro 1800 continues to perform like a champ.
(Hint: I found that taking the electrical cord inside to keep it warm made in more manageable for the multiple trips outside to plow the driveway.)
Saturday morning my kids were chomping at the bit to get outside, so I let them use the Toro 1800 while my wife and I stayed warm inside (hooray!). We took turns using the Toro several more times throughout the weekend, and it really handled the heavy stuff quite well.
In my mom's driveway, the snow was actually DEEPER than the top of the Toro's chute! I thought for sure I'd be shoveling by hand, but the Toro just chomped through the piles of snow. Sure I worked up a sweat pushing the Toro into the piles of snow, but it was nowhere near the exertion of shoveling that much snow by hand.
This snow fell so fast and hard that it gave many people who owned BIG snowblowers a run for their money ...
The Toro 1800 is amazing! I'm really glad I bought it ... in just few months it's already paid for itself in the time I've saved shoveling driveways.
Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.
Where To Buy Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025
I am a person who does much research before I make a large purchase...and I also go to numerous sites to find the best deal!!! The reviews on this products was amazing...especially because there were men who also were very pleased. I have only had to use it twice so far, but I am so pleased with it's performance and how lightweight it is. My biggest concern was my driveway is over 200ft to the street. Well I used 5 outdoor extention cords and had absolutely not a problem. Yes, I have two 100ft cords but there were temporarily being used and I didn't want to fuss with exchanging cords because they were buried under an ice storm we had. The only problem I had was one of my connections with the 5 cords would seperate when I tugged a little and I had to walk 100ft back to plug in again!!! MY own tape would had done the trick! LOL! This is the ticket for any single woman or any man that doesn't have an ego issue!!! I can't stand the smell of gas operated throwers/blowers and then having to deal with the oil and other maintainance...not worth it to me...I'll put up with having to move the cord around vs the other. Toro will need to make a "Tim Allen", a mans, man, electric thrower!!! lol! Best to all!!!
Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.
Order Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025
The Toro 1800 electric snow thrower delivers as promised. It performed in wet compact snow. I have a full three car driveway and it easily threw a wet 4 inch snow 20 t0 30 feet. I especially like the ability to just release the handle and stop the machine and then easily resume operation by squeezing the handle. I found it works best to work across the driveway and not up and down. Keep the cord always on the garage side and work towards the street. So far so good.Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.
Purchase Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025
I was skeptical that a small electric could keep up with our northern snowfalls, but I was tired of changing the oil, gassing up, pushing until exhausted, and that irritating thin layer left by my two stage gas thrower. I bought the Toro 1800 and a specialized exterior 100 foot cord with it. I have been surprisingly impressed with this little machine.
It's lightweight, and even my retired father with a bad back can lift it with one arm. It's powerful; it grinds and throws hard-packed snow, wet snow, and even smaller ice/snow mixes. It's quiet, about as loud as a quiet blowdryer. It's mobile, turning quickly and easily. It took a few times to get used to having an electric cord, but I have adjusted pretty easily. The thrower chute rotates pretty easily.
Only a few minor gripes (aren't there always a few?). The tiny nuts and bolts on the chute came off in the snow, so I went out and bought some stronger ones and installed them. The chute turning handle could be a little higher, as I have to lean over to turn it each time. (Not very difficult but it could be a problem for someone with poor flexibility or back problems if it's necessary to turn it a lot.)
Overall, I definitely would buy this little miracle worker again. It finishes my large driveway in 25 minutes, whereas my HUGE two stage took a good 45-50 minutes; that's even in deep snow. I am going to buy one for my dad, too. I am very happy with this machine. And although it sounds bizarre, I look forward to tossing the snow around with it. I am a very picky purchaser and do my research thoroughly before buying, and I strongly recommend this Toro. Happy snowthrowing.Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.
Buying Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025
Bought this Toro at Home Depot yesterday in anticipation of 8 inches last night. I pulled it out this morning, plugged it in, and went to work. It went through the 9 inches very well for such a light machine. I know now to start in the middle of the driveway and work toward the edges and the blowing snow was catching the wind and covering up the row I had just done. All in all, well worth the $300. No more shoveling!!
One other thing. The manual recommends if using a 100 foot cord or over, go with a 16 guage cord. I see Amazon is offering the "buy together with" and it shows a 100 foot, 14 guage cord. If you're using over 150 feet, then 14 gauge is ok.Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.
Buy Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025
Does pretty good job. I have a medium to small driveway and it takes less than an hour to clear it. The downside is the hole that blows the snow out can become clogged with snow especially more wet snow and you need to stop to clean it out occassionally.Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.
Discount Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025
Glad to report that this snowblower met the expectations I had after reading other folks' reviews! With us getting snow almost every other day, this whole Wisconsin December, we're so glad we got this (after 20 years of shoveling our 800 sq. foot apron/driveway!). It's small and light enough for me (4'11") to lift and position effortlessly, yet clears the driveway down to the cement with ease, even after a 6 - 7" snowfall. It handles (and sounds) like a vaccuum cleaner! No gas/oil mix, no priming, no worries -- just plug it in. The cord is not a problem to work around. I recommend the blue Coleman 100' cord since it stays flexible in the cold.Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.
Cheapest Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025
Watch Video Here: Quick video review of this electric snow blower. In a nutshell it worked as I had wanted. Electric so just plug it in and go. Check out the review for more details about the area cleared and snow that was there. Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.
Cheap Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025
Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025
I live in Maine and we've had one of the heaviest snowfalls in December. I love this little machine. It works great on fresh snowfall. If you wait until the snow is frozen solid, it struggles.Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.
Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025 Right now
Perfect for our needs. I'm amazed at how far it tosses the snow. It's so light I can lift it up to my front stairs which have wide steps and clean them with it. And it hangs on the wall between snows. It's so easy to use. I love electric tools like this because they get the job done and I don't have to horse around with gas, tuneups, etc. To me they're very convenient. For us it was a great buy.Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.
Lowest Price Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025
Great little sucker this snowblower is. I was impressed by the number of stars other reviewers had consistenly given it and I couldn't agree more. It arrived just in time for our first heavy, slushy snowfall in Wisconsin, which means it was put to the test right away. At first, I thought "boy, this things is not throwing this stuff very far(only about 3 feet away)", but when i tried to hurl the unforgiving snow with my $9.00 metal shovel I realized how hard this little Toro was working. The stuff was heavy, as was my breathing after 2 minutes of shoveling, so I decided to let the Torino do it's thang again. It cleared about 800 sq ft of drive way in about 40 minutes. Then, when the next snowfall came around, the snow was lighter and my Torino had to show-off it's prowess by throwing snow about 8 feet into the air, much like Old Faithful (geyser)in Yellowstone shoots that warm volcanic water!
Plus, I don't mind plugging it and having to step around the cord as I make the turns---i guess this is my little way of saying "i care about you" to the atmosphere.
Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.
Low Price Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025
Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025
I LOVE my new snow thrower. Just recently we were dumped on with a foot of snow here in Central NY state. I was able to clear away the snow from my driveway in less than an hour and my driveway is 90 feet by 15 feet, with another area on the side that is 30 feet by 20 feet.
When I had to shovel all this snow, it would take me 3--4 hrs with many breaks in between.
I also have a dog pen that I cleared paths for my little cairns to zoom around in.
This tool is light weight and very easy for a senior gal to use.Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.
Save Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025
I have used mine four times in the last two weeks. In fact, I needed it a day earlier than the first snow here in upper NH. Despite the fact that most of the externals are plastic, it works perfectly, on light snow and wet snow. I have a driveway that is about 50' x 28', and I get it done in ten minutes. It has plenty of power. The only issue I have is that my driveway is crushed gravel and stone. And the stones - when I manage to go too low - are thrown against the side of my neighbor's house. :)
I also bought the 100' Coleman cable. I would highly recommend this pair of products.Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.
Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025 Decide Now
Having a wide deck around three sides of our home I wanted a way to clear off the heavy build up of snow that we receive each winter without so much shoveling. This little Toro does the job. It struggles slightly with the heavy stuff that comes off the roof, but then, so do I. It's done the job for me and it's so lightweight and easy to use. I choose simplicity over power with this one but I don't regret it. A gas powered wouldn't have trouble with ice, but I would have trouble getting it started, so this one works great for what I wanted it for. Ease of use, lightweight handling, and throws the snow 15-20 feet easily, clearing the decks very nicely.Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.
Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025 Order Now
Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025
As a single woman, I didn't want to deal with maintaining a gas snowblower, so when I saw this electric snowblower, I thought why not try it? I live in Minnesota and we do get many inches of snow, so most of my friends thought I was crazy to buy it. However, it has been great! I have moved 8 inches of snow at a time and have also moved the gifts that the snowplows have left. It is fabulous!
Amazon sent it as quickly as listed and putting it together was no problem - I did it on my own in 10 minutes.
I will have to get a cord holder as the cord does get in my way periodically. This is really a must buy for anyone.
Happy snowblowing! :) CarmenGet more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.
Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025 Buy Now
Toro has done their homework with this snow thrower. I have a pretty large driveway and I can clear a 3-4" snowfall with it in about 45 minutes, very powerful for its size. It is very convenient as it is lubricated for life and requires very little maintenance. I just plug it in and go. It does require a quick look to be sure nothing is caught up in the snout or the chute (sticks for instance). The only negative comment I can make is, well it has a cord. It is best to follow the instructions for snow blowing in the manual and be sure to blow so the cord lays out behind you or beside you on the house outlet side. It would be easy to get the cord caught up in the snout if not careful.Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.
Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025 Get it now!
I've only used it twice so far so I cannot comment on the Toro's longevity. However, it handled a 10" snow and a wet 4-5" snowfall well. I'm talking about a nice bit of area it covered. Of course it is best to do the snow in stages and not wait until it gets high. Also, maneuvering the electrical cord takes a little getting use to. I like it so much that I got my sister-in-law one. Shop around for the best price.Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.
Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025 Best Quality
Assembly can be a little difficult and tricky. You have to gently insert a bolt through the handle which already has an electric wire running through it. It is very important to unpack the snowblower very carefully and to use care in assembling because you could cause hidden damage to the wire inside the handle. Once you get it assembled, and you buy a 14-guage extension cord that is long enough to reach from your electric outlet to the farthest reaches of your driveway, it's a piece of cake.Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.
Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025 This instant
We went to the local hardware store to look at and perhaps purchase one of these. I have to say that I was very disappointed in its robustness and appearance in general. It looks and feels like a cheap plastic toy with an expensive price tag. The plastic impeller (yes, the impeller is plastic) looked like something that would disintegrate into pieces the first time it hit a piece of ice. We decided not to buy one.
I give it two stars because we haven't actually used it and so I don't have a basis to give it one star.
At the very least, I would advise against buying one of these by mail order or over the Internet (sorry, Amazon) unless you know exactly what you are buying. Find one in a local hardware store (the toro website has MANY dealer listings all over the country) and go look at it first. Then decide if it's worth $300+ to you.Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.
Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025 Immediately
The delivery was expidicious and the snow blower works just fine. i have not had heavy snow yet, and wihhold judgememt on the deep snow.Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.
Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025 Review
This thing is pretty incredible. Just got it today, and it's already snowed 4-5 times and previously I have just been shoveling.
My driveway was already plowed by the time I got this, so I had to try it out on other things, like the 2-3ft snow banks that haven't been touched by a shovel since the beginning of the snow season, or the banks that I created by shoveling, also fairly high.
I simply placed this thing on top of the snow bank and pushed it back and forth on top of it, and it ate away large sections of the snow bank at a time. It even cleaned up the ice/slushy stuff where my property meets the road.
I'd rate this 4.5/5 since the thing is literally one big piece of Tonka plastic... but since that isn't an option I'd rather give it a 5 than a 4. The height adjustment is also a little flakey... doesn't seem to hold down, but I think I may need to tighten it, as I've been wearing to strip the plastic like I've heard in some reviews.
Edit: The snow flow height adjustment seems fine after I tightened the nuts. I was pushing on the head of the bolt to try to prevent the plastic square insert from stripping.Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.
Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025 Top Quality
This is a small snow blower, which is perfect for places where you don't get a lot of snow, but have a big driveway you have to clear. Very lite and easy to use. Does well with wet or lite snow, and some ice.Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.
Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025
Product and carton received in excellent shape; no damage. Can't comment on snow removal yet because we have not had any. Read several reviews about extension cord connection to snow thrower. If you purchase a 14 gauge (15 amp) extension cord, it fits fine and will handle the product's 12 amp draw. If one connects the extension cord to the handle per the instructions, it should NOT disconnect inadvertently. I am a handyman and ran into two assembly issues. First, when connecting the upper handle to the lower handle, the left side with the electric wire was really difficult to push together because the wire inside the tubing is about 1/2 to 1 inch too long. Second, when connecting the chute deflector onto the discharge chute, one bolt and locknut tightened just fine. The other locknut was a wrestler's challenge. Used a pair of channel-locks to hold the bold head until the locknut was tight enough for the square bolt to engage in the square plastic housing. If not careful, one can strip the square plastic hole in the discharge chute. Otherwise, I believe it will be a good snowthrower for 10 inches of snow, or less, as advertised on the carton. Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.
Shop For Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025
[ASIN:B00005OQMG Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025]
Just finished the second snow removal of the season. First was about 6" of light snow, the second a three inch mix of snow, sleet and ice. Clearing 40' of walkway and 40' of single car width asphalt driveway. Plus, a path for the mailbox and trash can and a patch for the dogs (don't ask). Job 1 was no problem after learning how to use the machine. Job 2 was more of a bear because of the ice on top.
However, while the total time was probably longer than hand shoveling (get out the blower, get out the cord, untangle the cord since the spouse had used it and dumped it into a pile, snow blow, put the blower back, rewind the cord, etc.), my ancient and decrepit body was able to move the snow (even that dumped by the town at the end of the drive, bless their hearts) with nary a back twinge or sprain. Not that I didn't complain to the bride. And not that it did any good, but I thought I'd stay in practice in case a big job came up. At any rate, escaped an ambulance ride one more time.
While clearing the ice, it sounded like a blender at times. However, despite the light weight plastic construction, by making a couple of passes, the Toro did a decent job - much better than I expected, frankly. And the light weight is an advantage when moving the blower around.
Speaking of which, the chief annoyance is the power lever which spans almost the entire length of the handle. It is next to impossible to move (reposition) the unit by the handle without having it start up. The second minor annoyance is that the cord likes to vibrate free from the plug socket despite the convenient cord "pass-through."
Bottom line: does what I need it to do without the hassle of a gas powered unit. Should be able to clear a foot of "normal" snow although you might have to make a couple of passes. Use a 14 gauge two prong 100' cord rated for low temperatures (I use 12-3, but that is overkill). You can get the cord for $45 or less (Home Depot, Costco, Sam's, Wal-mart, BJ's, etc.). I also see the price of the Toro is up $60 to $320.00 in the past couple of months (12/2007) and much higher than the $200 I saw it for last year. Still cheaper than a gas unit and will do the job of a small gas unit for up to a foot or so of dry snow and a distance of 100'.
- Electric.
- Easy to set up and operate.
- Lightweight, compact, (mostly) quality construction.
- Works well on dry, powdery snow.
- Will cut through some ice and slush. Have patience and let the blower do the work.
- Gets me out into the relative peace and quiet of the great outdoors where I can smile at the Prius drivers while their landscapers push around huge gas operated machinery.
- Some assembly required (not tough, but save the beer for after the job).
- The large "on" bar makes it (too) easy to accidentally start blower.
- Cord will occasionally disconnect despite the cord holder.
- A retractable / foldable / more easily removable handle would be nice for storage.
- Small plastic rear wheels replace the former large metal and rubber wheels. Not sure what purpose they serve except to keep the unit from falling over. Usually.
- Forget the "electric plug lock." It doesn't work. Throw the little plastic key away.Get more detail about Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025.
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